ios - Local Notification Banners Don't Appear -
i making app requires notifications sent user. far, have registered notifications in app delegate:
let notiftypes: uiusernotificationtype = [.alert, .badge, .sound] let notifsettings = uiusernotificationsettings(fortypes: notiftypes, categories: nil) uiapplication.sharedapplication().registerusernotificationsettings(notifsettings)
and call following code send notifications in view controller:
let localnotification: uilocalnotification = uilocalnotification() localnotification.alertaction = "testing notifications on ios8" localnotification.alertbody = "here notification" localnotification.firedate = nsdate(timeintervalsincenow: 5) localnotification.soundname = uilocalnotificationdefaultsoundname uiapplication.sharedapplication().schedulelocalnotification(localnotification)
if pull down notification center panel, notification shown, there no banner if out of app, , no notification shows on lock screen if phone off. how can notifications show on lock screen/as banners if outside of app?
what see, in role of user, when notification fires depends on settings in preferences. you'd need go settings , configure app display banners , display notifications in lock screen.
also suggest purposes of testing should schedule notification @ bit later interval. saying nsdate(timeintervalsincenow: 5)
- not time out of app! notification may firing while still in app — in case no banner appear.
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