javascript - Search data between date range AND add data between predefined date range -
i trying build searching application people can see data according date range inputed, want add predefined date range , add result final output.
i have been searching solution did not figure out how it. think must have been missed something. please share knowledge me ?
fyi new in coding.
here form :
<table id="tbl_rekapbeli" class="easyui-datagrid" style="width:900px;height:360px" url="get_lap_beli2.php" pagination="true" idfield="id" title="rekap pembelian berkala" toolbar="#tb" singleselect="true" fitcolumns="true" showfooter="true"> <thead> <th field="no_po" width="50" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">no po</th> <th field="tgl_po" width="50" editor="{type:'datebox',options:{required:true}}">tgl po</th> <th field="nama_outlet" width="50" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">customer</th> <th field="kode_barang" width="50" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">kode barang</th> <th field="nama_barang" width="90" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">nama barang</th> <th field="qty_beli" width="50" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">jumlah beli</th> <th field="harga_beli" width="50" editor="{type:'validatebox',options:{required:true}}">harga beli</th> <th field="jum_harga_beli" width="50" formatter="formatrp" editor="{type:'numberbox'}">total</th> </tr> </thead> </table> <div id="tb" style="padding:5px;height:auto"> <div> date : <input id="date1" class="easyui-datebox" style="width:80px"> : <input id="date2" class="easyui-datebox" style="width:80px"> <a href="#" id="aaa" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-search">cari</a> </div> </div>
script function :
var d1 = 0 var d2 = 0 $('#date1').datebox({ onselect: function (date) { d1 = date.getfullyear() + "/" + (date.getmonth() + 1) + "/" + date.getdate(); } }) $('#date2').datebox({ onselect: function (date) { d2 = date.getfullyear() + "/" + (date.getmonth() + 1) + "/" + date.getdate(); } }) $('#aaa').click(function () { $('#tbl_rekapbeli').datagrid('options').url = "get_lap_beli2.php?start_date=" + d1 + "&end_date=" + d2; $('#tbl_rekapbeli').datagrid('reload'); //alert(“dari: ” + d1 + ” sampai: ” + d2); }) function formatrp(val, row) { return number_format(val, '', ',', '.'); }; function number_format(num, dig, dec, sep) { x = new array(); s = (num < 0 ? "-" : ""); num = math.abs(num).tofixed(dig).split("."); r = num[0].split("").reverse(); (var = 1; <= r.length; i++) { x.unshift(r[i - 1]); if (i % 3 == 0 && != r.length) x.unshift(sep); } return "rp " + s + x.join("") + (num[1] ? dec + num[1] : ""); }
and action :
$begin_date = '2015-07-01'; $start_date = $_request['start_date']; $end_date = $_request['end_date']; include '../../libs/conn.php'; $rs = mysql_query("select count(*) beli tgl_po between '$begin_date' , '$start_date' , tgl_po between '$start_date' , '$end_date'"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($rs); $result["total"] = $row[0]; $rs = mysql_query("select * beli tgl_po between '$begin_date' , '$start_date' , tgl_po between '$start_date' , '$end_date'"); $items = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($rs)){ array_push($items, $row); } $result["rows"] = $items; $rs = mysql_query("select sum(jum_harga_beli) value_sum beli tgl_po between '$begin_date' , '$start_date' , tgl_po between '$start_date' , '$end_date'"); $rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); $sum = $rw['value_sum']; $result["footer"]=array(array("harga_beli" => "total pembelian",'jum_harga_beli' => $sum)); echo json_encode($result);
your query has
, tgl_po between '$begin_date' , '$start_date' , tgl_po between '$start_date' , '$end_date'
the way sql works, need or
rather and
, ( tgl_po between '$begin_date' , '$start_date' or tgl_po between '$start_date' , '$end_date')
if mention and
in clause, accepts records matching both criteria. if want match either criterion, need or
you want rows matching either first date range or second. must specify or
, not and
. it's typical in sql queries and
narrows selection , or
widens it.
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