ios - WatchConnectivity session in more than one view controller -

i developing watch app using watchos 2 , parent app on ios 9 beta. using watchconnectivity sessions pass data apple watch iphone. need have session in 2 different view controller files, there problems start new wcsessions in each of view controllers , use them?

basically trying navigate 1 view controller other view controller using performseguewithidentifier, works fine when put in viewdidload, put inside session method, starts breaking, , suspecting has wcsessions.

following part of code in trying navigate:

- (void)session:(nonnull wcsession *)session didreceivemessage:(nonnull nsdictionary *)message replyhandler:(nonnull void (^)(nsdictionary * __nonnull replymessage))replyhandler {     nsstring *msg = [message objectforkey:@"msg"];     // nsdictionary* replyvalues =  @{@"session":@"established between phone   , watch"};     if ([msg isequaltostring:@"fromwatch"]) {         iswatch = true;         [self performseguewithidentifier: @"startdashboardsegue" sender: self];     }     // nsuserdefaults *prefs = [nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults];     // [prefs setobject:messageflag forkey:@"messageflag"];      //replyhandler(replyvalues); } 


the comment above wcsessiondelegate section in wcsession header states:

----------------------------- wcsessiondelegate -----------------------------

the session calls delegate methods when content received , session state changes. delegate methods called on same queue. delegate queue non-main serial queue. client's responsibility dispatch queue if neccessary.

so if want update ui (and using uikit) have dispatch main queue before invoking ui update methods.


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