r - How to use SwitchToFrame in Selenium, Rstudio? -

i have started using r (version 3.2.1) , rstudio (version 0.99.465) on windows 7.

i facing error shown below (error shown switchtoframe).

 error:      summary: nosuchframe  detail: request switch frame not satisfied because frame not found.  class: org.openqa.selenium.nosuchframeexception 

i can run code individually (line line) log in currently, however, if run script, error above appear. tried add settimeout(), wait iframe appear, however, seems doesn't work well.


appurl <- "http://www.trademap.org/country_selcountry_mq_ts.aspx" rselenium::startserver() library("rselenium") #open headless driver phantom(), use chrome,etc pjs <- phantom() remdr<- remotedriver(browsername="phantomjs") remdr$open() remdr$navigate(appurl)  #log in itc  webelem<-remdr$findelement(using="css","#ctl00_menucontrol_marmenu_login")$clickelement() webelem<-remdr$settimeout(type="script",10000) webelem<-remdr$switchtoframe("iframe_login") webelem<-remdr$findelement(using="id","ctl00_pagecontent_login1_username")$sendkeystoelement (list("myusername")) webelem<-remdr$findelement(using="id","ctl00_pagecontent_login1_password")$sendkeystoelement (list("mypassword")) webelem<-remdr$findelement(using="id","ctl00_pagecontent_login1_button")$clickelement() #show screen remdr$screenshot(display = true) 

i appreciate guidance in matter.


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