ios - Accessing Data Outside of Closure -

i have array in class i'm trying fill within closure. however, when try access/print array contents, seems empty outside of closure. how store data use outside of closure?

for index in 0..<6 {         let picnumber = index + 1         if let pica = currentuser.objectforkey("pic\(picnumber)") as? pffile {             pica.getdatainbackgroundwithblock({ (data:nsdata!, error:nserror!) -> void in                 if error == nil {                     self.pic1 = uiimage(data: data)                     var images = scaleimage(self.pic1!, and: 200)                     self.imagesforsection0.append(images)                 }             })             println(self.imagesforsection0)         }     } 

it not empty outside closure

the method getdatainbackgroundwithblock async,it means return,you see nothing in print function.


asynchronously gets data cache if available or fetches contents network.


for index in 0..<6 {     let picnumber = index + 1     if let pica = currentuser.objectforkey("pic\(picnumber)") as? pffile {         pica.getdatainbackgroundwithblock({ (data:nsdata!, error:nserror!) -> void in             if error == nil {                 self.pic1 = uiimage(data: data)                 var images = scaleimage(self.pic1!, and: 200)                 self.imagesforsection0.append(images)             }         println(self.imagesforsection0)         //then call reload data         })     } } 


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