javascript - How to nest Sequelize associations? -
i trying nest associations using node/sequelize/postgresql. common scenario (i believe), have yet determine how it. here scenario. person -- location (1:m) ----- sublocation (1:m) the person model has belongstomany association working great. have personlocation table holds ids of both person , location , location(s) returned person query. here's gets tricky. need associate personlocation sublocation needs 1:m relationship. person.belongstomany(location, {through: 'personlocation'}); --this how envision work, since defined personlocation association, cannot access way. personlocation.belongstomany(sublocation, {through: 'personlocationsublocation'}); the person have 1:m locations, each of locations have multiple 1:m sublocations. when doing query on person, want see person/locations/sublocations person. the database person id name location id name sublocation id name personlocation id personid locationid pers...