r - issues with groupedData() -

i'm following tutorial on mixed effects models. tutorial uses egsingle dataset mlmrev package. part of tutorial, author uses groupeddata() as:

egsingle <- groupeddata(math ~ year | schoolid/childid, data = egsingle) 

could me understand "schoolid/childid" refers to?

please note schoolid , childid both factors!

also, later in tutorial, author takes sample of size 50 , uses lmlist() fit ols regression each subject using:

egsingle <- groupeddata(math ~ year | schoolid/childid, data = egsingle) samp <- sample(levels(egsingle$childid), 50) level2.subgroup <- subset(egsingle, childid %in% samp)  # fitting separate ols regression line each student level2 <- lmlist(math ~ year | childid, data = level2.subgroup) plot(augpred(level2)) 

when run lmlist command above, these errors:

error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'childid' not found in addition: warning messages: 1: in lmlist(math ~ year | childid, data = level2.subgroup) : lmlist not (yet) work correctly on groupeddata objects 2: in ops.factor(schoolid, childid) : ‘/’ not meaningful factors 

could me figure out why these errors?

  1. as roman luštrik comments, schoolid/chilidid means "school id" , "child id nested within school id" both grouping variables. nesting format formally constructs interaction between higher , lower levels; heuristically, lets computer know "child 1 in school 1" , "child 1 in school 2" different individuals.

  2. you're having problem conflicts between versions of lmlist in nlme , lme4 packages. if run exactly these lines clean r session:

## load data without loading package & dependencies data(egsingle, package="mlmrev") library("nlme")  egsingle <- groupeddata(math ~ year | schoolid/childid, data = egsingle) samp <- sample(levels(egsingle$childid), 50) level2.subgroup <- subset(egsingle, childid %in% samp)  # fitting separate ols regression line each student level2 <- lmlist(math ~ year | childid, data = level2.subgroup) plot(augpred(level2)) 

it should work fine. should work if library("mlmrev") before load nlme (so nlme before lme4 in search path), or if explicitly specify nlme::lmlist don't accidentally pick lme4::lmlist.


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