javascript - How to change elements(img's) position via radio buttons? -

i got image positioned in container , 3 radio buttons. add images appear on container main image when of radio buttons chosen. each of buttons have different positions of images shown when active.

so far got that:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">     <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q156" name="quality[25]" value="1" /> 1     </label>      <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q157" name="quality[25]" value="2" /> 2     </label>      <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q158" name="quality[25]" value="3" /> 3     </label>  </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8 col-fl">     <div id="img_box">         <img style="width: 100%;" src="img/other/rounded_corners.png" />     </div> 

you add image sources data attr. radio button.

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">     <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q156" name="quality[25]" value="1" data-img="" /> 1     </label>      <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q157" name="quality[25]" value="2" data-img=""/> 2     </label>      <label class="btn btn-default">         <input type="radio" id="q158" name="quality[25]" value="3" data-img="" /> 3     </label>  </div> <div class="col-md-8 col-fl"> <div id="img_box"></div> 

the img box empty size , image set css:

#img_box{     width: 350px;     height: 150px;     background: url('') } 

then add event append img overlay on click (using source radio buttons):

 $(function(){     $('input[type=radio]').click(function(){         $this = $(this)         $img_box = $('#img_box')         $overlay = $('<img/>').attr('src',$'img'))         $img_box.html('').append($overlay)                         }); }) 

see example:


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