c# - Reading assembly version information and custom attributes in CoreCLR -
i wonder how read assembly version information in new coreclr either name of assembly code executing or explicitly giviging name of assembly or preferably type in assembly (can statically referenced)?
i have code following (currently care assembly version)
using system; using system.diagnostics; using system.io; using system.reflection; using system.runtime.interopservices; public class assemblyinfo { private readonly assembly assembly; public assemblyinfo(type type) { assembly = assembly.getassembly(type); } public string title { { return customattributes<assemblytitleattribute>().title; } } public version assemblyversion { { return assembly.getname().version; } } public string fileversion { { return fileversioninfo.getversioninfo(assembly.location).fileversion; } } private t customattributes<t>() t: attribute { var customattributes = assembly.getcustomattributes(typeof(t), false); if(customattributes.length > 0) { return (t)customattributes[0]; } throw new invalidoperationexception(); } }
with usage such
var info = new assemblyinfo(typeof(someclassinsomeassembly));
<edit: commented ramin's otherwise nice answer, if should work, wonder if there's else going on here. error message referencing assembly
, vs 2015 rc doesn't suggest adding anything. error messages error cs0246 type or namespace name 'assembly' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) coreclrconsoleapp1.dnx core 5.0\coreclrconsoleapp1\src\coreclrconsoleapp1
my project.json is
"frameworks": { "dnx451": { }, "dnxcore50": { "dependencies": { "system.console": "4.0.0-beta-22816", "system.collections": "4.0.10-beta-22816", "system.linq": "4.0.0-beta-22816", "system.threading": "4.0.10-beta-22816", "microsoft.csharp": "4.0.0-beta-22816", "system.runtime.interopservices": "4.0.20-beta-23019", "system.reflection": "4.0.10-beta-23019", "system.diagnostics.fileversioninfo": "4.0.0-beta-22816", "netfx-reflector": ""
<edit: setup when created new project, assembly
recognized. there 1 method, assembly.load
, besides 2 inherited object
. can use load assembly , consequently version information desire. or would, when try run application, crashes message system.invalidoperationexception: failed resolve following dependencies target framework 'dnxcore,version=v5.0'. strange, i've ran dnu restore
, success, still dnx . run
won't work. tried dnvm install -r coreclr latest
(with both x86 , x64) , checked dnvm use
framework selected.
the custom argument code (composing on top of head):
private string customattributes<t>() t : attribute { var customattribute = assembly.customattributes.where(a => a.attributetype == typeof(t)).firstordefault(); if(customattribute != null) { return (string)customattribute.constructorarguments[0].value; } throw new invalidoperationexception(); }
or, if want load assembly @ run time
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