vbscript - unable to save changes in our web application when running VB test script using testcomplete 11.0 -

i have recorded vb test script in testcomplete 11.0 , did changes in our web application. when running recorded test script, didnt errors in log file generated testcomplete changes not reflecting in our application.

here vb test script:

    sub test1       dim browser       dim page       dim form       dim textbox       dim table       testedapps.xxxcm.run       call browsers.item(btiexplorer).navigate("http://localhost/xxxcm/connect.asp")       set browser = aliases.browser       set page = browser.pagexxxconfigurationmanager       set form = page.formconnectform       set textbox = form.textboxusername       call textbox.drag(89, 12, -244, 6)       call textbox.settext("admin")       call textbox.keys("[tab]")       set table = form.tableyyyytable       call table.passwordboxpwd.settext("xxxx")       table.submitbuttonlogin.clickbutton       page.wait       set page = browser.pagexxxconfigurationmanagerfield       set textbox = page.tabledbfieldtable.cellcolrubrik.textboxshortname       call textbox.click(85, 12)       call page.keys(" ")       call textbox.settext("mobileno")       delay(5000)       page.buttonsave.clickbutton       page.wait     end sub 

could please suggest me on this.

thanks , regards, sailaja

try replacing settext keys. settext sets text programmatically , may not trigger keyboard events application may listening to. keys simulates actual typing on keyboard.

to record tests using keys, go tools > options > engines > recording , change record text input... option keys.


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