javascript - How to send form data along with jQuery DataTables data in server-side processing mode -

i trying post form data without success , data couldn't loaded.

how can pass form data array , single textbox, combobox, etc. fnserverdata?

table_obj = $('#group-table').datatable({    "sajaxsource": "url goes here",    fnserverdata: function(ssource, aodata, fncallback,osettings) {       osettings.jqxhr = $.ajax( {          "datatype": 'json',          "type": "post",          "url": ssource+'?'+$.param(aodata),          "data": $("#frm").serializearray(),          "success": fncallback       } );    },    aasorting: [[ 1, "desc" ]],    bprocessing: true,    bserverside: true,    processing : true,    columndefs: [{         'targets': 0,         'searchable':false,         'orderable':false,         'classname': 'dt-body-center',         'render': function (data, type, full, meta){             return '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user_id[]" value="' + $('<div/>').text(data).html() + '"></label>';         }      }],    rowcallback: function(row, data, dataindex){        // if row id in list of selected row ids        if($.inarray(data[0], rows_selected) !== -1){           $(row).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);           $(row).addclass('selected');        }    },    idisplaylength: '50', }); 

solution 1

replace this:

$('#group-table').datatable({    "sajaxsource": "url goes here",    fnserverdata: function(ssource, aodata, fncallback,osettings) {       osettings.jqxhr = $.ajax( {          "datatype": 'json',          "type": "post",          "url": ssource+'?'+$.param(aodata),          "data": $("#frm").serializearray(),          "success": fncallback       } );    }, 


$('#group-table').datatable({    "ajax": {       "url": "url goes here",       "type": "post",       "data": function(d){          d.form = $("#frm").serializearray();       }    }, 

your form data in form parameter array of objects parameters name , value, below json representation:

"form": [{"name":"param1","value":"val1"},{"name":"param2","value":"val2"}] 

solution 2

if want have form data name/value pairs, see this jsfiddle example of alternative solution.


there checkboxes in data table. solution above not work form elements in data table, because datatable removes non-visible nodes dom.


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