Gulp - SCSS Lint - Don't compile SCSS if linting fails -

just wondering if can me gulp setup. @ moment using gulp-sass , gulp-scss-lint watch task. want happen when scss file saved linting task run , if errors or warnings thrown scss files not compile , watch continue running.

at moment seem have working errors not warnings, still compile stylesheets.

/// <binding projectopened='serve' /> //  macmillan volunteering village gulp file. //  used automate minification //  of stylesheets , javascript files. run using either //  'gulp', 'gulp watch' or 'gulp serve' command line terminal. // //  contents //  -------- //    1. includes , requirements //    2. sass automation //    3. live serve //    4. watch tasks //    5. build task  'use strict';  // //  1. includes , requirements //  ---------------------------- //  set plugin requirements //  gulp function correctly. var gulp = require('gulp'),   notify = require("gulp-notify"),   sass = require('gulp-sass'),   scsslint = require('gulp-scss-lint'),   gls = require('gulp-live-server'),  //  set default folder structure //  variables   stylesheets = 'stylesheets/',   stylesheetsdist = 'content/css/',   html = 'frontend/';  // //  2. sass automation //  ------------------ //  includes minification of sass //  stylesheets. output compressed. gulp.task('sass', ['scss-lint'], function () {   gulp.src(stylesheets + 'styles.scss')   .pipe(sass({     outputstyle: 'compressed'   }))   .on("error", notify.onerror(function (error) {     return error.message;   }))   .pipe(gulp.dest(stylesheetsdist))   .pipe(notify({ message: "stylesheets compiled", title: "stylesheets" })) });  //  scss linting. ignores reset file gulp.task('scss-lint', function () {   gulp.src([stylesheets + '**/*.scss', '!' + stylesheets + '**/_reset.scss'])   .pipe(scsslint({     'endless': true   }))   .on("error", notify.onerror(function (error) {     return error.message;   })) });  // //  3. live serve //  ------------- gulp.task('server', function () {   var server = gls.static('/');   server.start();    // browser refresh[stylesheets + '**/*.scss', html + '**/*.html'], function () {     server.notify.apply(server, arguments);   }); });  //  task start server, followed watch gulp.task('serve', ['default', 'server', 'watch']);   // //  4. watch tasks //  -------------- gulp.task('watch', function () {    // stylesheets watch + '**/*.scss', ['scss-lint', 'sass']); });  // //  5. build task //  -------------- gulp.task('default', ['sass']); 


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