switch functions in c -

trying create menu driven employee data program. don't know how create functioning menu , having trouble getting menu options work such editing entered employee info. appreciate can on this. errors arising

  1. edit employees function: redefinition; different basic types.

  2. in main—when calling menu function using menu(&payroll), error message is, cannot convert input* input.

  3. also in main—the function employeeinfo(&payroll) giving error message, cannot convert input* input.

i'm sure there many other mistakes making if see please guide me in right direction.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //this macro intended use emplyname array. #define size 20   //this struct has varibles using in functions typedef struct {     char emplyname[5][size];     float emplyhours[5];     float emplyrate[5];     float emplygross[5];     float emplybase[5];     float emplyovrt[5];     float emplytax[5];     float emplynet[5];     float emplytotal[5]; }input;  void menu(void); void employeeinfo(input* emply); void editemployees(input* emply); void print(input* emply);  int main(void) {     input payroll={"",0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f};     int choice;     menu(&payroll);     scanf_s("%d", &choice);     switch (choice){     case '1':          employeeinfo(&payroll);         break;     case '2':         editemployees(&payroll);         break;     case '3':         break;     case '4':         print(&payroll);         break;     default:         printf("invalid entry\n");     }     system("pause"); }  void employeeinfo(input *emply) {     int i;      (i = 0; < 5; i++){         printf("enter employee name -1 end.\n");         scanf_s("%s", &emply->emplyname[i]);         if (strcmp(emply->emplyname[i], "-1") == 0){             break;         }          printf("enter employee hours.\n");         scanf_s("%f", &emply->emplyhours[i]);         printf("enter hourly rate.\n");         scanf_s("%f", &emply->emplyrate[i]);     } } void calculations(input *emply)/*write method calculates gross, base , overtime pay, pass reference.*/ {     int i;     = 0;     (i = 0; < 5; i++){         if (emply->emplyhours[i] > 40) {             emply->emplyovrt[i] = (emply->emplyhours[i] - 40) * (emply->emplyrate[i] * 1.5);         }         emply->emplygross[i] = (((emply->emplyhours[i])*(emply->emplyrate[i])) + emply->emplyovrt[i]);         emply->emplybase[i] = (emply->emplygross[i]) - (emply->emplyovrt[i]);         emply->emplytax[i] = ((emply->emplygross[i])*.2);         emply->emplynet[i] = (emply->emplygross[i]) - (emply->emplytax[i]);         emply->emplytotal[0] += emply->emplygross[i];     }   }   void print(input *emply) {     int i;     (i = 0; < 5; i++)     {         if (strcmp(emply->emplyname[i], "-1") == 0){             break;         }         printf("employee name:%s\n", emply->emplyname[i]);         printf("hours worked:%.2f\n ", emply->emplyhours[i]);         printf("hourly rate:%.2f\n", emply->emplyrate[i]);         printf("gross pay:%.2f\n", emply->emplygross[i]);         printf("base pay:%.2f\n", emply->emplybase[i]);         printf("overtime pay:%.2f\n", emply->emplyovrt[i]);         printf("taxes paid:%.2f\n", emply->emplytax[i]);         printf("net pay:%.2f\n", emply->emplynet[i]);     }     printf("total paid employees : %.2f\n", emply->emplytotal[0]); } void editemployees(input *emply){     int j;     int index = 1;     int i;     printf("choose employee.");     (j = 1; j < 5; j++); {         printf("%d.%s", index, emply->emplyname[j]);     }     scanf_s("%d", &i);     employeeinfo(emply);  } void menu(void){     printf("main menu\n");     printf("1. add employee\n");     printf("2. edit employee\n");     printf("3. print employee\n");     printf("4. print employees\n");     printf("0. exit\n");  } 

to start with

1. edit employees function: redefinition; different basic types.

you need forward declare function prototype.

2. menu(&payroll) cannot convert 'input*' 'input'.

your function declaration , definition not match.

  • in declaration, have void menu(input payroll);
  • in definition, have void menu(void){ //
  • you call menu(&payroll);

all above 3 different. stick one.

3. employeeinfo(&payroll) cannot convert 'input*' 'input'.

again, mismatch between function declaration , definition. change function declaration

void employeeinfo(input payroll); 


void employeeinfo(input* payroll); 


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