javascript - JQuery Autocomplete Widget - Up & Down Arrow Keys not working -

i new jquery , going through snippet of code of larger application (which have outsourced). snippet jquery widget autocomplete results.

on html page, have search box. when user enters keystrokes, search performed (for places , events) on our database , results shown in un-ordered list. results show fine. however, hoping scroll through results using down , arrow key not seem work.

opening developer tools in chrome, when press down key following error reported

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'value' of undefined  jquery-ui.min.js:8 

the relevant widget code follows

$.widget("custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {     _rendermenu: function(ul, items) {         ul.addclass('search-box');         var = this;         var = 0;         var j = 0;         var index = 0;         $.each(items, function(index, item) {             if ( && == 0) {                 ul.append('<h4><i class="fa fa-car fa-fw"></i> parking space</h4>');                 i++;             }             if (item.event && j == 0) {                 if (i > 0) {                     ul.append('<a href="#" class="see-result text-right">see result</a>');                 }                 ul.append('<h4><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> venues</h4>');                 j++             }              that._renderitemdata(ul, item);         });         if (j == 0 && items.value == 'error') {             ul.append('<a href="#" class="see-result text-right">see result</a>');         }     } });  $(function() { // made on 01-07-2015 $("#search_new").catcomplete({     delay: 0,     //minlength: 2,     zindex: 9999,     source: base_url + "searches/index.json",     messages: {         noresults: '',         results: function() {}     },     select: function(event, ui) {         window.location = (ui.item.url);     } }).off('blur').on('blur', function() {     if(document.hasfocus()) {         $('ul.ui-autocomplete').show();     } });  });  $.ui.autocomplete.prototype._renderitem = function(ul, item) { if ( {     var space_body = '';     var address2 = ( != null) ? : '';     space_body = space_body + "<article><strong><a class='search-name-link' href="+base_url+"spaces/spacedetail/"+encodeuricomponent(base64.encode(">""</a> - ""</strong></br>"", "", "+address2+" ""</article>";     console.log("in _renderitem");      return $(ul).append(space_body)     .appendto(ul); }  if (item.event) {     var event_body = '';     event_body = event_body + "<article><strong><a class='search-name-link' href="+base_url+"events/eventdetail/"+encodeuricomponent(base64.encode(">"+item.event.event_name+"</a></strong></br>"+item.eventaddress.address+" ""</article>";      return $(ul).append(event_body)      .appendto(ul); }  if (! && !item.event) {     return $(ul).append("<article class='no-search'>no records found. <b><a href='javascript:void(0)' class='search-not-found'>click here</a></b> notification keyword.</article>")      .appendto(ul); } 


from limited understanding of jquery widgets : each result received appending ul , calling renderitemdata in turn calls renderitem

i unable understand 'value' code referring to.


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