c# - MVC 4: View is not rendered with the correct data from a List<> in the Model -
having pretty tricky asp.net mvc bug (using mvc4). i've tried strip down code make example clear possible
i have model
//this mvc model public class customcolumnconfiguration //stripped down "problem" property { public customcolumnconfiguration() { columns = new list<columnconfig>(); } public list<columnconfig> columns { get; set; } } //mvc model contains list of these public class columnconfig { public columnconfig() { name = ""; alias = ""; order = 0.0; } public string name { get; set; } public string alias { get; set; } public double order { get; set; } public bool isenabled { get; set; } }
here snippet razor view
<tbody> @for (int = 0; < model.columns.count; i++) { <tr> <td>column @(i+1)</td> <td>@html.textboxfor(x => x.columns[i].name)</td> <td>@html.textboxfor(x => x.columns[i].alias)</td> <td>@html.textboxfor(x => x.columns[i].order)</td> <td>@html.checkboxfor(x => x.columns[i].userange)</td> <td><button name="removebtn@(i)" class="btn btn-danger submit-action" type="submit" value="remove-@(i)"><i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i></button></td> </tr> } </tbody> //... @html.hidden("action")
the following javascript responsible setting "action" input in form controller know index remove:
$(document).ready(function () { $(".submit-action").on("click", function (e) { var $this = $(this); $("#action").val($this.val()); }); });
get , post controller code:
public actionresult managecustomcolumns() { customcolumnconfiguration model = getconfiguration(); //this works return view(model); } [httppost] public actionresult managecustomcolumns(customcolumnconfiguration model) { var action = request.form["action"]; if (action.equals("saveindexconfiguration", stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase)) { this.alertsuccess("configuration saved"); setconfiguration(model); //this works } else if(action.startswith("remove",stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase)) { var indextoremove = int.parse(action.split('-')[1]); model.columns.removeat(indextoremove); } else if (action.startswith("add", stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase)) { model.columns.insert(0, new columnconfig() { name = "new_column_name", alias = "new column alias" }); } return view(model); }
if have page column configs 1, 2, 3, 4. can click "remove" button next column 2 , when debugging code in vs, see columnconfig name "2" in fact deleted model's columns property. when debugging razor, again, "2" column gone.
but, 100% consistency in ie , chrome, behavior i'm seeing 1,2,3 still there , deletes last 1 (4). not consistent @ i'm seeing in debugger. i'm not novice mvc has got 1 of magical bugs i've seen.
does have idea happening?
update furthermore, when click add, expect have row in html table things "new_column_name". add row, seems duplicate last row's data instead of putting values controller.
again, controller have 1 new columnconfig "new_column_name" in when debug, page gets rendered client has previous columnconfig's data in it. maddening!
i know old post had same problem .removeat() call. found solution. added code before .removeat() call.
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