matlab - Quantifying pixels from a list of coordinates -
i have list of coordinates, generated program, , have image.
i'd load coordinates (making circular regions of interest (rois) diameter of 3 pixels) onto image, , extract intensity of pixels.
i can load/impose coordinates on image using;
imshow(file); hold on scatter(xcoords, ycoords, 'g')
but can not extract intensity.
can guys point me in right direction?
i not sure mean circle 3 pixels diameter since in square grid (as mentioned ander biguri). use fspecial
create disk filter , normalize. this:
r = 1.5; % diameter = 3 h = fspecial('disk', r); h = h/h(ceil(r),ceil(r));
you can use mask intensities @ given region of image.
im = imread(file); roi = im(xcoord-1:xcoord+1; ycoord-1:ycoord+1); = roi.*h;
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