c# - I want create a Connect forwarding to SSH server with library on website www.bitvise.com -
i created connect ssh server forwarding library "flowsshnet64_framework40.dll" (my operating system 64 bit) in c# while i'm running error after import library application , follow instructions:
bitvise.flowsshnet.client t = new client(); t.setproxyhost(""); t.setproxyoptions(true); t.setproxyusername("admin"); t.setproxypassword("admin"); t.setproxyport(22); t.setproxytype(proxytype.socks5); forwardingrule setup = new forwardingrule(); setup.clienttoserver = true; setup.listinterface = ""; setup.listport = 1080; forwardinghandler setup1 = new forwardinghandler(); if (setup1.isdisposed) { t.addforwarding(setup, setup1); label1.text = "connected"; }
you can use flowsshnet32_framework40.dll on os 64 bit
to run must copy file same directory such bin\debug. , doesn't have error
binaries\ciprov32.dll binaries\cryptopp530fips32.dll binaries\flowsshc32.dll binaries\flowsshnet32_framework40.dll -> rename file to: flowsshnet32.dll
but use code , not forwarding ssh
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