virtualbox - vagrant synced folder - network error on read -

im having issues synced folders in vagrant.
have windows 7 host, using virtual box have server 2012 guest.
shares mount , can navigate to directory on guest when dir network error. can browse directory on guest. ideas?

[localhost]: ps c:\users\administrator\documents> dir .\guest_share  dir : network path not found. + categoryinfo          : readerror: (c:\users\admini...nts\guest_share:string) [get-childitem], ioexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : dirioerror,microsoft.powershell.commands.getchilditemcommand 

creating file fails identical error.
have enabled credssp on host , guest.
identical behavior default syned folder custom one.

here excerpt vagrantfile:

config.vm.synced_folder "share/", "c:/users/administrator/documents/guest_share" 


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